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Co-op Work Term Report

When to complete this step: At the end of each work term.

At the end of each work term interns are required to submit a Work Term Report, where they reflect on the objectives set in their Learning Agreement and their work term experience. There is also an area for interns to evaluate their learning and comment on their work performance.

How to complete the Work Term Report:

  1. Go to and log in with your Passport York username and password.
  2. Click on “Co-op & Internships” in the left navigation bar under “YU Experience Hub”.
  3. This will direct you to the “Co-op & Internship Record” page.
  4. Locate the work term under the section “Co-op & Internship SEQUENCE”.
  5. Click on the co-op employer’s name, this will direct you to the corresponding work term record page.
  6. Click on the “Work Term Report – No Record” under the “Work Term Details” tab, and click “Create Record”.
  7. There are three main sections under the work term report. You need to upload separate files for the first two sections (Learning Objectives Reflection & Work Term Reflection). To upload files, click “Upload New File” and locate the file you wish to upload, and then click "Open". And you need to complete the third section (Competencies/Skills) directly on the Experience York portal.
  8. Click “Submit”.